It's been an interesting few days in the mini world of Emily Brocklesby nee Elliott (yet to be changed cause I'm a lazy sod). Let me take you through the good first, so you don't think I'm a whining bitch.
1# I feel great. I am utterly surprised by how wonderful I feel in this second trimester. In fact, I feel so good it's making me feel bad. I'm now beside myself with worry that something is wrong with bubs and my bump is just actually a public display of my inability to control myself around carbohydrates. Is it normal to feel this fan-tab-u-lous at 16 weeks?
2# I had a wonderful weekend. Ben and I stayed at the beach house ALL weekend. After a work function on Thursday and Friday I made my way to our beach house, warmed the living room with it's big, burly heater and we ate takeaway! We stayed Saturday night also - ate fish and watched Big Love and on Sunday, as the rain fell and the fire warmed us we decided to sacrifice the early morning rise (5:45am) to stay one more night. Pure Bliss!
3# I have found the sewing class that I have long been desiring.
Thread Den is an awesome innovation started by some fashion designers and crafty people. They do all sorts of great classes but I am mostly interested in the 60's shift dress class and little Beginners Mod 2 in button holes and zippers - it's completely daggy but I couldn't give a rats left testicle!
Now for the bad...
1# Some random guy pulled out in front of me the other day as I was gunning it along my green arrow right turn lane and I smacked right into him. Totally his fault. If he wasn't so sheepish I might have f'd and b'd a little more. Anyway, my car was near fine (love my VW Golf) and only needed a slight panel repair which my insurance was going to cover. Good! I hear you say? Sure was.
2# Car was delivered back to me yesterday and all was looking and sounding wonderful. At 6:30 last night I went to drive her home and she was deader than George W Bush's political career. It even smelt as bad as him. Anyway, I had to fork out a whole $30 for a Taxi home - super sucked!
3# Today the RACV told me that they would not take responsibility for my dead battery and I would have to PAY to have it assessed. Totally f**ked off. My car goes away to have its panel fixed and comes back with its motor dead - not my idea of service. I yelled at a guy I don't even know, it felt really good. Smug little twat.
In other news just at hand - my dog maggie has been eating raw chops for the last three days straight. I've never seen her happier. Although, I went to give her a little pat goodbye this morning and was hit by the most powerful pungent festy fart I have ever had the misfortune to smell. I have subsequently given her a new nickname 'burger lips'.