Organised by the lovely Leslie, we were to be sharing our two story beach house with some other devoted bloggers and crafty people Jo and Julia. I have met Jo before and learnt so much from her and was excited about getting to know Julia.
As Ben has been too busy with the house I had to bring Miss A with me. Not that it was so bad. She moaned a bit and was kinda clingy, but overall she slept well and seemed happy to be somewhere a little different. Leslie and I took her to the beach. She absolutely loved it.

Not so keen on being sensible in the sun.

Miss A always squints in photos. I have NO idea where she gets that from.
These sewing weekends are great for so many reasons. We get to learn from each other and complete projects that haunt you as you tackle the day to day of house cleaning, cooking and baby wrangling. Usually these sewing weekends involve lots of great food (last weekend being NO exception) and if you're lucky you'll make some new friends. What surprised me the most was that not only did all of these things occur in Rye, but I also secured some confidants. People I could talk to easily. People who were on the same page as me, in motherhood, as a wife, in life.
Even with my little chicken there, I managed to get some things done. I was keen to make some pillow cases for European Pillows my sister had given me. I want our new bedroom to have white linen and then I plan on mixing things up every now and then when I come across some interesting fabric. I found this cute fabric in spotlight and was very happy with how they turned out.

I also made a little summer top for Annie that I'm going to put away for next year. I used the lovely grey and blue fabric that was left over from the pillows. After a marathon car clean on Monday I have decided my next project is a little car seat toy holder for Miss Annie's books. I'm hoping it will assist in keeping our vehicle somewhat respectable!