Only a few days ago you had your very first Christmas. It's true to say that Mumma was more excited than you and Dada put together. I have really started to enjoy the festive season. You have brought back the excited child in me.
This Christmas was spent at Nana Jane and Poppy's house. We are still working tirelessly on our own home, trying so very hard to get it finished and move your cot in so that you feel some sense of normality, homeliness, security. It hasn't phased you though, all the moving around. You love getting up in the morning to a line of smiling faces as they come out from their bedrooms. Dada, Nana, Poppy, Maggie, Archie and me. It's a never ending playfest with you as the headlining act. I've never seen your toes move with so much excitement.
On Christmas Eve the entire family came to Brighton. Aunty Briggie, Uncle George, Great Aunt Mary....boy oh boy, you were so overwhelmed and so over tired I thought you would never go to sleep. But eventually you did. In our room, tucked into the portacot that Nana Jane had bought. Sweet, sweet Christmas dreams floating through you crystal mind. How soft and still you look when you sleep. How tempting it is to lean in and kiss your forehead. Your face is relaxed and complexion flushed. Your hands are lightly closed and your lips only slightly parted. It's a baby that just begs to be kissed!
On Christmas morning you woke Dada and I at 5:15am. Ugh! That hurt. Especially after two helpings of dinner and waaaaaay to much wine. But your little smile made up for it. Once you had your bottle (because nothing gets done in the morning until milk warms your belly) we sat you up in the living room and watched you pull things from your stocking. You were so surprised at all the books. Truly delighted. It was wonderful to watch. It wasn't long before you cottoned on to the fact that glossy paper means new toys. You surrounded yourself with new books and new stacking toys and the toes just moved and moved.

In the afternoon we travelled over for dinner at Aunty Ingrid's house. All Mummas family were there. Nana, Poppa, Aunty Deb, Liz and Uncle Keith. You love hanging out with your cousins. Especially Harrison. He is very protective over you. Always ensuring that you are safe and happy. By the end of the day, you, Dada and Mumma were pretty knackered so we all ventured back to Nana Elliott's house and settled in for the night. I watched you sleep again. My little girl. One month away from turning one year old.

By the steadiness of your breath and the smile on your sleeping face I concluded you had enjoyed your very first Christmas. It's probably not one that you will remember in the years to come, but it is one that me, your Mumma, shall never forget. Merry Christmas Miss A and a Happy New Year.
Love Mumma
1 comment:
Oh Em!
What a lovely advertisment for the pleasures of mothering. I'm delighted for you all that you had such a wonderful day.
That first Xmas is truly so special.
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